Furniture and Paintings from the Ancient Fattoria Franceschini, partly from Villa I Pitti

Lot N. 354

Scuola di Santi di Tito
(1536 - 1603)

Giovanni di Carlo Pitti

fine del XVI/inizio del XVII secolo
oil on canvas, framed, defects
cm 105x84
The following technical sheet of the work was created by Professor Sandro Bellesi as part of the inventory of the paintings of the Fattoria Franceschini. Conducted with good executive skill, the work depicts a knight of the Order of Santo Stefano, belonging to the Pitti family, who lived in the 16th century. The painting, in which the sharpness of the character's gaze is highlighted, characterized by lively and almost speaking eyes, is appreciated for the attention paid to the structural description of the figure, the clothing and the surrounding elements. Based on what is possible to ascertain through the pictorial definition of the knight's face, it is plausible to assign the painting, which can probably be dated between the last years of the sixteenth century and the very beginning of the following century, to the Scuola di Santi di Tito.
€ 1.500,00 / 2.000,00