Books and Prints

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Maison Bibelot organizes periodically important auctions of antique books and prints whose catalogues often include lots of hystorical and artistic importance as manuscripts, incunables and rare prints and incisions.

The experts of our books and prints auctions department select to include in our auctions, besides antique books and prints, also modern and contemporary art books, that are dedicated to collectors and to all those who have a passion for written artworks.

Books and Prints
Antonella Giordano

Antonella Giordano

Head of Department
Graduated in Italian theatrical literature at the University of Florence, with a thesis on the Venetian poetess Luisa Bergalli Gozzi, she dealt with female writing, publishing a volume on 18th century Tuscan writers as well as an essay on 18th century improvisers. Archivist for over twenty years at the "Alessandro Bonsanti" Contemporary Archive of the Gabinetto Vieusseux in Florence, she has rearranged and cataloged the papers of important Italian writers and poets including Eduardo De Filippo, Giorgio Caproni, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Giacomo Debenedetti, Giuseppe Ungaretti , Carlo Betocchi. Passionate about books since always, she collaborated for fifteen years in the editing of the Bibliography of the Italian Language and Literature, published by Salerno Editrice.