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Ardy Bartolomeo
Attardi Ugo
Bacosi Manlio
Bonnefond Claude
Bordi Mario
Breddo Gastone
Brioschi Athos Renzo
Bugiani Pietro
Cappello Emanuele
Cascella Michele
Cerchia di Donato Creti
Cerchia di Felice Boselli
Cerchia di Giuseppe Chiantore
Cerchia di Michele Pagano
Cerchia di Paul Bril
Chiappelli Francesco
Comba Emilio
Costa Emanuele
Da Francesco Bassano
Da Giovan Battista Salvi detto ..
De Magistris Leonardo
Domenici Carlo
Fiume Salvatore
Galli Federica
Grassi Adolfo
Greco Emilio
Guttuso Renato
Horejc Jaroslaw
Maniera della pittura gotica
Maniera di Abraham Brueghel,
Mariotti Umberto
Marma Rodolfo
Migliorini Dino
Minguzzi Luciano
Morandi Renzo
Muti Rutilio
Ortega José
Papasogli Leonardo
Pinelli Bartolomeo
Pittore orientalista della fine ..
Ricci Arturo
Ruffini Giuliano
Ryall Henry Thomas
Sassu Aligi
Scatizzi Sergio
Scifoni Enrico
Scoppetta Pietro
Scultore francese nella cerchia ..
Scuola dell'Italia Settentrio ..
Scuola dell'italia settentrionale ..
Scuola emiliana
Scuola emiliana del XVIII sec ..
Scuola fiamminga del XVII/XVIII ..
Scuola francese
Scuola francese del XIX secol ..
Scuola francese del XVIII sec ..
Scuola italiana dell'inizio del ..
Scuola lombarda
Scuola lombarda del XVII seco ..
Scuola napoletana del XIX sec ..
Scuola olandese del XVIII sec ..
Scuola romana
Scuola toscana
Scuola toscana del XVII secol ..
Scuola toscana dell'inizio del ..
Scuola toscana dell'inizio del ..
Scuola veneta
Scuola veneta del XVII secolo
Soffici Ardengo
Sughi Alberto
Tozzi Mario
Turcato Giulio
Uberti Dino
Utrillo Maurice
Vangelli Antonio
Viani Lorenzo
Vinea Francesco
Von Bayern Maria Del Pilar
Watts William
Yehya Mustapha
Zanetti Licio
19th Century Art
Ancient paintings and drawings
Design and Decorative Arts
Fashion, Vintage and Memorabilia
Modern and Contemporary Art
17th / 18th century
17th century
17th/17th century
17th/18th century
18th century
18th/19th century
19th century
19th/20th century
20th century
About 1920
Alto Veneto, XIX/XX secolo
Austria, late 19th century
Balkan area
Bassano, first half of the 20th ..
beginning of the 20th century
Birmingham, 1907
Birmingham, 1918
Birmingham, 1926
Birmingham, early 20th century
Bohemia, 1900
Central Asia, first half of the ..
China late 19th century
China, 20th century
China, early 20th century
China, second half of the 20th ..
circa 1860
early 19th century
early 20th century
Emilia, 17th / 18th century
England, 19th/20th century
England, 20th century
England, early 20th century
England, first half of the 20th ..
England, late 19th century
England, mid-20th century
Europe, 1900
first half of 19th century
first half of 20th century
first half of the 19th century
first half of the 20th century
Flanders, 17th/18th century
Florence, late 19th/early 20th ..
Florence, mid-20th century
Florence, Seventies
France, 20th century
France, early 20th century
France, late 19th century
France, second half of the 19th ..
Germany, Augsburg, 1761-63
Germany, early 20th century
Holland, 19th century
Holland, 20th century
Japan, 19th/20th century
late 18th century
late 18th/early 19th century
late 19th century
late 19th/early 20th century
late eighteenth century
Liguria, 19th century
Liguria, mid-19th century
London, 1795
London, 1806
London, 1894
mid 18th century
mid 19th century
mid 20th century
Murano, 1920
Murano, 1940
Murano, 1950
Murano, 20th century
Murano, first half of the 20th ..
Naples, 19th century
Netherlands, 18th century
Netherlands, late 19th century
nineteenth century
one from the 17th century
Papal States, 1817-1825
Paris, Thirties
partly from the 18th century
partly from the 18th/19th cent ..
Piedmont, 18th / 19th century
probably Ginori, 19th century
second half of the 18th centur ..
second half of the 19th centur ..
Sicilian craftsmanship
Southern Italy, 19th century
Tuscan 17th century
Tuscany, 18th/19th century
Tuscany, mid 19th century
Venice, 18th century
XVII century
XVIII century
XX secolo