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Alighieri Dante
Aspettati Antonio Maria
Bargellini Piero
Boccacci Marcello
Bordi Mario
Borriello Vittorio
Bottega di Giovanni Bilivert
Breddo Gastone
Capellini Sergio
Capineri Giuseppe
Cappello Carmelo
Cappello Emanuele
Cappello Emanuele
Cavallarin Cinzio
Checchi Arturo
Comba Emilio
Comparini Giuseppe
Conti Primo
Da Firenze Claudio
Da Pierre-Jules Méne
Dalì Salvador
Del Sordo Alfredo
Dunker Balthasar Anton
Fabbrini Beppe
Fabris Luigi
Falzoni Giulio
Faraoni Enzo
Ferri Claudio
Filannino Natale
Fischer Eva
Francesconi Mario
Ghelli Giuliano
Giovanni Battista Cipriani at ..
Gonni Gonich
Gori Gino Paolo
Greco Emilio
Innocenti Mario
Kossowski Henryk
Loffredo Silvio
Louis Albert Guillain Bacler ..
Madiai Mario
Magni Fausto
Mancini Antonio
Manfredi Giuseppe
Maniera dei battaglisti del XVIII ..
Maniera della pittura del XVIII ..
Mantovani Guido
Marchi Piero
Mazzi Aldo
Mazzi Aldo
Morelli Francesco
Mugnai Giulio
Nativi Gualtiero
Nomellini Vittorio
Ospitali Giovanni
Pagliazzi Francesco
Palazzi Lorenzo
Panichi Roberto
Pieri Francesco Maria
Pini Giuliano
Pistolesi Silvestro
Pittore fiammingo attivo a Ro ..
Pizzanelli Ferruccio
Poggiali Gianfranco
Polloni Silvio
Possenti Antonio
Pozzi Pippo
Pregno Enzo
Probst Georg Balthasar
Ragni Basso
Rapisardi Alfio
Riby Edwin
Rigaud Jacques
Scatizzi Sergio
Schifano Luciano
Schönleber Hans Otto
Scortecci Abramo
Scuola dell'Italia Settentrio ..
Scuola emiliana
Scuola fiamminga
Scuola francese
Scuola italiana del XIX secol ..
Scuola napoletana
Scuola napoletana del XVIII s ..
Scuola romana
Scuola toscana
Scuola veneta del XVIII secol ..
Seguace di David Teniers il G ..
Serafini Giuseppe
Teasdale John
Trionfi Emanuele
Viviani Giuseppe
Voir Fortunato
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17th century
17th/18th century
18th century
18th/19th century
19th century
19th/20th century
20th century
Austria, first half of the 20th ..
Bavaria, Sixties
Birmingham, 1916
Birmingham, early 20th century
Central Europe, first half of ..
Central Italy, 18th century
Central Italy, 19th century
China, early 20th century
City of Sheffield 1853 and 185 ..
City of Sheffield, 1898
City of Sheffiled, 1862
early 20th century
England or France, 19th/20th c ..
England, 19th century
England, 19th/20th century
England, early 20th century
England, first half of the 20th ..
England, late 19th century
England, late 19th/early 20th ..
Europe, 19th/20th century
first half of the 19th century
first half of the 20th century
first quarter of the 19th cent ..
France, 19th/20th century
France, 20th century
France, early 20th century
France, late 19th century
France, mid 19th century
Ginori, early 20th century
ibeginning of the 20th century
Italy, early 20th century
late 18th century
late 18th/early 19th century
late 19th century
late 19th/early 20th century
Londra, 1900
mid 19th century
mid-twentieth century
mostly 1930s
nineteenth century
probably France
second half of the 19th centur ..
second half of the 20th centur ..
second half of the eighteenth ..
Southern Italy, 19th century
Southern Italy, first half of ..
Spain, early 20th century
The eighties
Tibet, 19th/20th century
Tuscany, 18th century
Tuscany, late 18th century
XVII century
XVIII century
XVIII secolo
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