Sicily in a Collection of Prints

Time auction N. 281

Sicily in a Collection of Prints

wed 15 - wed 22 May 2024
Online only auction
15 - 22 may
online bids on website

A selection entirely dedicated to Sicily of an important and vast collection of prints of various kinds, suitable both for discerning collectors and for embellishing one's own home. Of particular note are numerous old and rare maps of the island, the splendid sepia aquatints by Jean-Pierre Houël and those taken from the most beautiful illustrated travel books of the 18th and 19th centuries, such as the Voyage pittoresque ou description des royaumes de Naples et de Sicile by Abbot de Saint-Non or the Voyage pittoresque en Sicile by Gigault de La Salle.
All prints are presented in exquisite passe-partouts, sealed in cellophane envelopes that were not opened during cataloguing. Further auctions dedicated to the collection will be presented during the year.
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1 - 30  of 217 LOTS
Lot N. 1

Giacomo Cantelli da Vignola

(1643 - 1695)

Isola e Regno di Sicilia detta anticam.te Isola del Sole et Isola de Ciclopi (1682)

...and then Trinacria, and Sicaria Newly described by Giacomo Cantelli da Vignola on the very exact relations [..], matrix 44.5x55.2 cm, passe-partout 69x80 cm
Lot N. 1

Giacomo Cantelli da Vignola

(1643 - 1695)

Isola e Regno di Sicilia detta anticam.te Isola del Sole et Isola de Ciclopi (1682)

...and then Trinacria, and Sicaria Newly described by Giacomo Cantelli da Vignola on the very exact relations [..], matrix 44.5x55.2 cm, passe-partout 69x80 cm
€ 180,00 / 220,00
Lot N. 2

Nicolaas Visscher

(1649 - 1702)

Regnum Siciliae cum circumjacentibus Regnis et Insulis (1680)

double-page copper engraving, with watercolor depicting the Kingdom of Sicily with the Island of Malta, the African, [..], matrix 47x57.2 cm, passe-partout 65.5x80 cm
Lot N. 2

Nicolaas Visscher

(1649 - 1702)

Regnum Siciliae cum circumjacentibus Regnis et Insulis (1680)

double-page copper engraving, with watercolor depicting the Kingdom of Sicily with the Island of Malta, the African, [..], matrix 47x57.2 cm, passe-partout 65.5x80 cm
€ 120,00 / 150,00
Lot N. 3

Gerhard Mercator

(1512 - 1594)

Siciliae Regnum (around 1630)

double-page copper engraving, with watercolour, title within cartouche, with passe-partout, matrix 34.2x47.7 cm, passe-partout 57x71 cm
Lot N. 3

Gerhard Mercator

(1512 - 1594)

Siciliae Regnum (around 1630)

double-page copper engraving, with watercolour, title within cartouche, with passe-partout, matrix 34.2x47.7 cm, passe-partout 57x71 cm
€ 150,00 / 200,00
Lot N. 4

Jean de Burigny Levesque

Sicilia Vetus 1745

double-page copper engraving, with watercolour, with passe-partout, passe-partout 52x59.5 cm
Lot N. 4

Jean de Burigny Levesque

Sicilia Vetus 1745

double-page copper engraving, with watercolour, with passe-partout, passe-partout 52x59.5 cm
€ 120,00 / 150,00
Lot N. 5

Europae tabula VII (1674)

etching with watercolour, with passe-partout, matrix 19x26.5 cm, passe-partout 37x44.5 cm
Lot N. 5

Europae tabula VII (1674)

etching with watercolour, with passe-partout, matrix 19x26.5 cm, passe-partout 37x44.5 cm
€ 80,00 / 100,00
Lot N. 6

Tavola nuova di Sardigna et di Sicilia 1674

etching with watercolour, with passe-partout, matrix 19x26.5 cm, passe-partout 37x44.5 cm
Lot N. 6

Tavola nuova di Sardigna et di Sicilia 1674

etching with watercolour, with passe-partout, matrix 19x26.5 cm, passe-partout 37x44.5 cm
€ 80,00 / 100,00
Lot N. 7

Vincenzo Maria Coronelli

(1650 - 1718)

Messina Colle Nuove Fortificazioni Doppo l'Anno 1677

Descritta e Dedicata All'Illustrissimo, et Eccellentissimo Sig, Giuseppe Bonvicini Patrizio Veneto Dal P. Cosmografo [..], matrix 46x62.5 cm, passe-partout 63x80 cm
Lot N. 7

Vincenzo Maria Coronelli

(1650 - 1718)

Messina Colle Nuove Fortificazioni Doppo l'Anno 1677

Descritta e Dedicata All'Illustrissimo, et Eccellentissimo Sig, Giuseppe Bonvicini Patrizio Veneto Dal P. Cosmografo [..], matrix 46x62.5 cm, passe-partout 63x80 cm
€ 250,00 / 300,00
Lot N. 8

Nicolas De Fer

(1646 - 1720)

Messine Residence ordinaire du Viceroy de Sicile 1705

etching on copper, with passe-partout. Perspective view of the port and surroundings of Messina, matrix 22.5x33.5 cm, passe-partout 46.5x57 cm
Lot N. 8

Nicolas De Fer

(1646 - 1720)

Messine Residence ordinaire du Viceroy de Sicile 1705

etching on copper, with passe-partout. Perspective view of the port and surroundings of Messina, matrix 22.5x33.5 cm, passe-partout 46.5x57 cm
€ 100,00 / 120,00
Lot N. 9

Pierre del Callejo y Angulo

Peninsula and Chateau du Cap Passaro - Plan de la Ville de Trapano

two etchings, with passe-partout, passe-partout 35x28 cm and 38x44 cm (2)
Lot N. 9

Pierre del Callejo y Angulo

Peninsula and Chateau du Cap Passaro - Plan de la Ville de Trapano

two etchings, with passe-partout, passe-partout 35x28 cm and 38x44 cm (2)
€ 60,00 / 80,00
Lot N. 10

Sébastien Le Clerc

(1637 - 1714)

Messine secourue - L'Escalette

two etchings and engravings depicting respectively a view of the port of Messina during the naval bombardment [..], passe-partout 64.5x58 cm (2)
Lot N. 10

Sébastien Le Clerc

(1637 - 1714)

Messine secourue - L'Escalette

two etchings and engravings depicting respectively a view of the port of Messina during the naval bombardment [..], passe-partout 64.5x58 cm (2)
€ 240,00 / 300,00
Lot N. 11

Jean-Pierre Louis Laurent Houel

(1735 - 1813)

Beliers antiques de Bronse - Chapiteau antique... de la Cathรฉdrale de Montreale

two aquatint etchings in sepia, with passe-partout, slight traces of foxing, matrix 38x26 cm, passe-partout 60x48.5 cm (2)
Lot N. 11

Jean-Pierre Louis Laurent Houel

(1735 - 1813)

Beliers antiques de Bronse - Chapiteau antique... de la Cathรฉdrale de Montreale

two aquatint etchings in sepia, with passe-partout, slight traces of foxing, matrix 38x26 cm, passe-partout 60x48.5 cm (2)
€ 120,00 / 160,00
Lot N. 12

Jean-Pierre Louis Laurent Houel

(1735 - 1813)

Habit of women for men... at Palazzo Adriano - How to behave for those women

two sepia aquatint engravings, very slight traces of foxing, matrices 25.5x37.5 cm and 26x37.5 cm, passe-partout 48.5x60 cm (2)
Lot N. 12

Jean-Pierre Louis Laurent Houel

(1735 - 1813)

Habit of women for men... at Palazzo Adriano - How to behave for those women

two sepia aquatint engravings, very slight traces of foxing, matrices 25.5x37.5 cm and 26x37.5 cm, passe-partout 48.5x60 cm (2)
€ 140,00 / 160,00
Lot N. 13

Jean-Pierre Louis Laurent Houel

(1735 - 1813)

Vue de la Naumachie de Palerme - Bain midi de l'Etna

two aquatint etchings in sepia, with passe-partout, very slight traces of foxing, matrix 26x37.5 cm, passe-partout 48x60 cm (2)
Lot N. 13

Jean-Pierre Louis Laurent Houel

(1735 - 1813)

Vue de la Naumachie de Palerme - Bain midi de l'Etna

two aquatint etchings in sepia, with passe-partout, very slight traces of foxing, matrix 26x37.5 cm, passe-partout 48x60 cm (2)
€ 140,00 / 160,00
Lot N. 14

A perspective of Mount Aetna with its Irruption in 1669

18th century
Copper engraving with watercolour, with passe-partout, passe-partout 36.5x38 cm
Lot N. 14

A perspective of Mount Aetna with its Irruption in 1669

18th century
Copper engraving with watercolour, with passe-partout, passe-partout 36.5x38 cm
€ 60,00 / 80,00
Lot N. 15

Sebastian Münster

(1488 - 1552)

Das Under Buch von dem Berg Etna

colored woodcut, with passe-partout, passe-partout 46.5x36.5 cm
Lot N. 15

Sebastian Münster

(1488 - 1552)

Das Under Buch von dem Berg Etna

colored woodcut, with passe-partout, passe-partout 46.5x36.5 cm
€ 40,00 / 60,00
Lot N. 16

Henry Swinburne

(1743 - 1803)

Ruins of the Temple of Jupiter opposite to Syracuse - The Column of Marcellus...

two copper engravings, watercoloured, with passe-partout, matrix 12x20 cm, passe-partout 30.5x38.5 cm (2)
Lot N. 16

Henry Swinburne

(1743 - 1803)

Ruins of the Temple of Jupiter opposite to Syracuse - The Column of Marcellus...

two copper engravings, watercoloured, with passe-partout, matrix 12x20 cm, passe-partout 30.5x38.5 cm (2)
€ 60,00 / 80,00
Lot N. 17

Achille-Etienne Gigault de La Salle

(1772 - 1855)

Vue du Golfe de Melazzo prize de Tindare (1822)

watercolor aquatint, with passe-partout, passe-partout 47.5x54.5 cm
Lot N. 17

Achille-Etienne Gigault de La Salle

(1772 - 1855)

Vue du Golfe de Melazzo prize de Tindare (1822)

watercolor aquatint, with passe-partout, passe-partout 47.5x54.5 cm
€ 80,00 / 100,00
Lot N. 18

Achille-Etienne Gigault de La Salle

(1772 - 1855)

View of the rests of the Temple of Esculape

watercolor aquatint, with passe-partout, traces of foxing, passe-partout 48x55 cm
Lot N. 18

Achille-Etienne Gigault de La Salle

(1772 - 1855)

View of the rests of the Temple of Esculape

watercolor aquatint, with passe-partout, traces of foxing, passe-partout 48x55 cm
€ 80,00 / 100,00
Lot N. 19

Achille-Etienne Gigault de La Salle

(1772 - 1855)

View exterior of the chapel of St. Rosalie

watercolor aquatint, with passe-partout, traces of foxing, passe-partout 48x55 cm
Lot N. 19

Achille-Etienne Gigault de La Salle

(1772 - 1855)

View exterior of the chapel of St. Rosalie

watercolor aquatint, with passe-partout, traces of foxing, passe-partout 48x55 cm
€ 80,00 / 100,00
Lot N. 20

Palermo - Mount Pelligrino

nineteenth century
two woodcuts, colored, with passe-partout, slight traces of foxing, passe-partout 38x43.5 cm (2)
Lot N. 20

Palermo - Mount Pelligrino

nineteenth century
two woodcuts, colored, with passe-partout, slight traces of foxing, passe-partout 38x43.5 cm (2)
€ 40,00 / 60,00
Lot N. 21

Views of Catania

Mid 19th century
two woodcuts, watercoloured, with passe-partout, passe-partout 45x54 cm (2)
Lot N. 21

Views of Catania

Mid 19th century
two woodcuts, watercoloured, with passe-partout, passe-partout 45x54 cm (2)
€ 80,00 / 100,00
Lot N. 22

View at Villa Scabrosa

aquatint, with passe-partout, passe-partout cm
Lot N. 22

View at Villa Scabrosa

aquatint, with passe-partout, passe-partout cm
€ 60,00 / 100,00
Lot N. 23

Alain Manesson Mallet

(1630 - 1706)


Copper engraving, watercoloured, with passe-partout, matrix 14.5x10.2 cm, passe-partout 34x30 cm
Lot N. 23

Alain Manesson Mallet

(1630 - 1706)


Copper engraving, watercoloured, with passe-partout, matrix 14.5x10.2 cm, passe-partout 34x30 cm
€ 50,00 / 60,00
Lot N. 24

Sicilian customs

Early 20th century
four chromolithographs, with passe-partout, traces of foxing, passe-partout 4'x30 cm (4)
Lot N. 24

Sicilian customs

Early 20th century
four chromolithographs, with passe-partout, traces of foxing, passe-partout 4'x30 cm (4)
€ 20,00 / 30,00
Lot N. 25

The inhabitants of Nicolosi... after the eruption of Etna - Sicilian types

nineteenth century
two woodcuts, watercoloured, with passe-partout, traces of foxing, passe-partout 39x48.5 cm and 50x39 cm (2)
Lot N. 25

The inhabitants of Nicolosi... after the eruption of Etna - Sicilian types

nineteenth century
two woodcuts, watercoloured, with passe-partout, traces of foxing, passe-partout 39x48.5 cm and 50x39 cm (2)
€ 40,00 / 60,00
Lot N. 26

Garibaldi nelle Due Sicilie, ossia Guerra d'Italia nel 1860

nineteenth century
eight lithographs taken from the historical-artistic album, including "Fire of the Palazzo Carini", "Demolition [..], passe-partout 37x44.5 cm (8)
Lot N. 26

Garibaldi nelle Due Sicilie, ossia Guerra d'Italia nel 1860

nineteenth century
eight lithographs taken from the historical-artistic album, including "Fire of the Palazzo Carini", "Demolition [..], passe-partout 37x44.5 cm (8)
€ 80,00 / 120,00
Lot N. 27

Ottavio Gaetano

(1566 - 1620)

Our Lady of Trapani - S. Maria della Cava di Marsala

two copper engravings, with passe-partout, matrix 13.5x9 cm, passe-partout 28x23.5 cm (2)
Lot N. 27

Ottavio Gaetano

(1566 - 1620)

Our Lady of Trapani - S. Maria della Cava di Marsala

two copper engravings, with passe-partout, matrix 13.5x9 cm, passe-partout 28x23.5 cm (2)
€ 30,00 / 40,00
Lot N. 28

Statue of Philip IV - Statue of Philip V

18th century
two copper engravings, with passe-partout, traces of foxing, passe-partout 31.5x26 cm (2)
Lot N. 28

Statue of Philip IV - Statue of Philip V

18th century
two copper engravings, with passe-partout, traces of foxing, passe-partout 31.5x26 cm (2)
€ 20,00 / 30,00
Lot N. 29

Views of Palermo (1835)

10 engravings, sheet 16.5x25.5 cm (10)
Lot N. 29

Views of Palermo (1835)

10 engravings, sheet 16.5x25.5 cm (10)
€ 30,00 / 40,00
€ 20,00 / 30,00
1 - 30  of 217 LOTS