Time auction
N. 281
Sicily in a Collection of Prints
wed 15 - wed 22 May 2024
Online only auction15 - 22 mayonline bids on websitewww.maisonbibelot.com
A selection entirely dedicated to Sicily of an important and vast collection of prints of various kinds, suitable both for discerning collectors and for embellishing one's own home. Of particular note are numerous old and rare maps of the island, the splendid sepia aquatints by Jean-Pierre Houël and those taken from the most beautiful illustrated travel books of the 18th and 19th centuries, such as the Voyage pittoresque ou description des royaumes de Naples et de Sicile by Abbot de Saint-Non or the Voyage pittoresque en Sicile by Gigault de La Salle.
All prints are presented in exquisite passe-partouts, sealed in cellophane envelopes that were not opened during cataloguing. Further auctions dedicated to the collection will be presented during the year.