Select for:
A. Nonetti
Aspettati Antonio Maria
Bartoli Daniello
Bartoli Natinguerra Amerigo
Berlioz Hector
Bertolotti Davide
Boccacci Marcello
Boccaccio Giovanni
Bodeneher Gabriel I
Borgiotti Mario
Borra Pompeo
Brindisi Remo
Bugiani Pietro
Büsching Anton Friedrich
Capocchini Ugo
Cappello Carmelo
Cappello Emanuele
Cappello Emanuele
Cascella Michele
Cassini Giovanni Maria
Castiglioni Pier Giacomo e Ac ..
Colletta Pietro
Cottafavi Gaetano
Da Salvator Rosa
de Brosses Charles
de Burigny Levesque Jean
De Micheli Gioxe
De Poli Fabio
de Saint-Non Jean Claude Rich ..
de Terrasson Jean
Della Bella Stefano
Dupaty Charles Marguerite Jean ..
Duttenhofer Christian Friedrich ..
Ebert Adam
Falda Giovanni Battista
Fanfani Ugo
Faraoni Enzo
Galli Federica
Genovesi Antonio
Gentilini Franco
Goethe Johann Wolfgang
Gori Gino Paolo
Grazzini Renzo
Guttuso Renato
Hager Joseph
Heulhard Arthur
Hugo Victor
Jacobi Georg Arnold
Klinger Max
Leone Evasio
Leprince de Beaumont Jeanne-M ..
Livius Titus
Lovatti Ennio
Ludwig Franz
Maccari Mino
Maniera della pittura del XVIII ..
Marchi Piero
Messina Francesco
Metastasio Pietro
Morlotti Ennio
Neigebaur Johann Daniel Ferdi ..
Nuti Enrico
Ortelius Abraham
Palazzi Lorenzo
Passega de Passeyer Luigi
Pinelli Bartolomeo
Rabelais François
Raumer Friedrich
Ricciardi Oscar
Rollin Charles
Rossini Luigi
Ruffini Giuliano
Scatizzi Sergio
Schoell Friedrich
Schönleber Hans Otto
Scuola inglese del XIX secolo
Scuola italiana
Scuola napoletana
Scuola napoletana del XVII/XVIII ..
Scuola napoletana del XX seco ..
Scuola spagnola del XVII seco ..
Scuola toscana del XIX secolo
Scuola toscana del XVII secol ..
Senape Antonio
Seume Johann Gottfried
Severini Gino
Sforna Marcello
Shakespeare William
Sospizio Seve
Strahlheim Conrad Friedrich
Symonds John Addington
Tacitus Publius Cornelius
Takahama Kazuhide
Takahashi Shu
Tamburi Orfeo
Toschi Paolo
Trionfi Emanuele
Vangelli Antonio
Vasi Giuseppe
Vecchi Francesco
Vella Giuseppe
Veneroni Giovanni
Verri Pietro
Viani Lorenzo
Volkmann Johann Jacob
von der Hagen Friedrich Heinr ..
Wolzogen Hans - Wagner Richa ..
Zuccoli Oreste
19th Century Art
Ancient paintings and drawings
Design and Decorative Arts
Fashion, Vintage and Memorabilia
Modern and Contemporary Art
(Nineteenth century)
16th/17th century
16th/20th century
18th/19th century
19th century
19th/20th century
20th century
Austria, 1900
Austria, first half of the 20th ..
Balkan area, early 20th centur ..
beginning of 20th Century
Birmingham, 1907
Bohemia, 1900
Central Europe, first half of ..
China, late 19th century
diameter 36.5 cm
early 20th century
England, early 20th century
England, first half of the 20th ..
England, late 19th century
Europe, 1900
Faenza, first half of the 20th ..
first half of 20th century
first half of the 19th century
first half of the 20th century
Florence, mid-20th century
France, 1930
France, circa 1900
France, early 20th century
France, second half of the 19th ..
from cm 23x18 to cm 59x69 (11)
h cm 10x18x8, h cm 17, h cm 29
h cm 35x36x18 (2)
Hungary, 1950s
Hungary, second half of the 20th ..
Italy, 1980s
Italy, Seventies
Italy, Sixties
Laaber-Verlag, 2006-2007
late 18th century
late 18th/early 19th century
late 19th / early 20th century
late 19th century
late 19th/early 20th century
late eighteenth century
mid 19th century
mid 20th century
mid of 19th century
mid-twentieth century
Murano, 20th century
nineteenth century
Oriental art
probably Austria, early 20th c ..
probably Tuscany, Signa, early ..
Russia, 19th century
second half of the 19th centur ..
Stuttgart: Verlegt von Strecker ..
The eighties
Tuscan 17th century
XVII century
XVIII century
XX secolo
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