A florentine house. Between tradition and modernity Collection, paintings and furnishing - III -

Time auction N. 269

A florentine house.
Between tradition and modernity
Collection, paintings and furnishing - III -

thu 7 - thu 14 December 2023
Online auction
7 - 14 december
online only offer


Remember that the purchased lots will be delivered to the floor where the apartment is located, unless otherwise indicated in the catalog. Handling and dismantling costs will be borne by the buyers. Our Logistics Manager is available to assist customers in the organization of withdrawals.
9 - 10  and 11 december
10 - 13 / 15 - 19
Viale Milton 65, Firenze
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751 - 765  of 765 LOTS
Lot N. 1212

Gruppo scultoreo in metallo dorato

raffigurante una leonessa con fauci spalancate, un restauro ad una zampa, h cm 7x17x4
Lot N. 1212

Gruppo scultoreo in metallo dorato

raffigurante una leonessa con fauci spalancate, un restauro ad una zampa, h cm 7x17x4
Free Bid
€ 50,00 / 60,00
€ 50,00 / 60,00
Lot N. 1214

Pair of mahogany armchairs, part of a harness

France, first half of the 19th century
open armrests with curled ends, covered in green satin with laurel garland motifs, h 91 cm
Lot N. 1214

Pair of mahogany armchairs, part of a harness

France, first half of the 19th century
open armrests with curled ends, covered in green satin with laurel garland motifs, h 91 cm
€ 400,00 / 500,00
no lot
Lot N. 1215

no lot

Lot N. 1215

no lot

Lot N. 1216

Orologio da camino in bronzo dorato, Raingo Frères

seconda metà del XIX secolo
cassa architettonica decorata con motivo a festoni, sormontato da vaso, quadrante con numeri romani, piedi a mensola, [..], h cm 45x21,5x11
Lot N. 1216

Orologio da camino in bronzo dorato, Raingo Frères

seconda metà del XIX secolo
cassa architettonica decorata con motivo a festoni, sormontato da vaso, quadrante con numeri romani, piedi a mensola, [..], h cm 45x21,5x11
€ 250,00 / 300,00
Lot N. 1217

Ceramic parade plate

painted in blue monochrome with cupids, slight defects, diameter 29 cm
Lot N. 1217

Ceramic parade plate

painted in blue monochrome with cupids, slight defects, diameter 29 cm
€ 80,00 / 100,00
Lot N. 1218

Four carafes in cut glass and crystal

including two in Lalique crystal, without caps, h from 21 cm to 28 cm (4)
Lot N. 1218

Four carafes in cut glass and crystal

including two in Lalique crystal, without caps, h from 21 cm to 28 cm (4)
€ 40,00 / 50,00
Lot N. 1219

Lampada da terra in ottone e metallo laccato

Anni Cinquanta
color crema, snodabile, diffusore orientabile, lievi difetti, h cm 180 braccio cm 97
Lot N. 1219

Lampada da terra in ottone e metallo laccato

Anni Cinquanta
color crema, snodabile, diffusore orientabile, lievi difetti, h cm 180 braccio cm 97
€ 200,00 / 250,00
Lot N. 1222

Lot of curiosities

composed of a porcelain essence holder, decorated with a floral motif, and a small glass and silver metal carafe, [..], carafe h cm 20 (8)
Lot N. 1222

Lot of curiosities

composed of a porcelain essence holder, decorated with a floral motif, and a small glass and silver metal carafe, [..], carafe h cm 20 (8)
€ 30,00 / 40,00
Lot N. 1223

Frozen pressed glass chandelier

France, 1930s
with decoration of flowers and birds in relief, diameter 35 cm
Lot N. 1223

Frozen pressed glass chandelier

France, 1930s
with decoration of flowers and birds in relief, diameter 35 cm
€ 180,00 / 200,00
Lot N. 1224

Pair of single sleigh beds

shaped headboards, inlaid with volutes and scrolls, some defects, h 119x209x189 cm (2)
Lot N. 1224

Pair of single sleigh beds

shaped headboards, inlaid with volutes and scrolls, some defects, h 119x209x189 cm (2)
€ 100,00 / 150,00
Lot N. 1225

Two terracotta jars

some defects, h from 45 cm to 50 cm (2)
Lot N. 1225

Two terracotta jars

some defects, h from 45 cm to 50 cm (2)
€ 50,00 / 60,00
Lot N. 1226

Set da cucito in argento

entro scatola originale
Lot N. 1226

Set da cucito in argento

entro scatola originale
€ 50,00 / 60,00
751 - 765  of 765 LOTS