A florentine house. Between tradition and modernity Collection, paintings and furnishing - III -

Time auction N. 269

A florentine house.
Between tradition and modernity
Collection, paintings and furnishing - III -

thu 7 - thu 14 December 2023
Online auction
7 - 14 december
online only offer


Remember that the purchased lots will be delivered to the floor where the apartment is located, unless otherwise indicated in the catalog. Handling and dismantling costs will be borne by the buyers. Our Logistics Manager is available to assist customers in the organization of withdrawals.
9 - 10  and 11 december
10 - 13 / 15 - 19
Viale Milton 65, Firenze
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1 - 30  of 765 LOTS
Lot N. 462

Aperitif accessories in silver metal

a circular vegetable dish, lid with grip shaped like a triumph of fruit, interior with Pyrex pan, a snack holder [..], vegetable bowl h 12x42 cm (3)
Lot N. 462

Aperitif accessories in silver metal

a circular vegetable dish, lid with grip shaped like a triumph of fruit, interior with Pyrex pan, a snack holder [..], vegetable bowl h 12x42 cm (3)
€ 50,00 / 60,00
Lot N. 463

Curiositร  per la tavola in metallo argentato

una piccola zuppiera realizzata come una zucca ed un centrotavola a foggia di grappolo d'uva, zuppiera h cm 27 (2)
Lot N. 463

Curiositร  per la tavola in metallo argentato

una piccola zuppiera realizzata come una zucca ed un centrotavola a foggia di grappolo d'uva, zuppiera h cm 27 (2)
€ 40,00 / 50,00
Lot N. 464

Bollitore in rame

XIX secolo
sbalzato con volute vegetali e profilo antropomorfo, alcuni difetti, h cm 22x29x24
Lot N. 464

Bollitore in rame

XIX secolo
sbalzato con volute vegetali e profilo antropomorfo, alcuni difetti, h cm 22x29x24
€ 100,00 / 150,00
Lot N. 465

Coppia di candelabri in bronzo dorato e patinato

seconda metร  del XIX secolo
realizzati in stile Impero, tre bracci a foggia di cornucopie ed uno centrale, stelo a colonna scanalata, su tripode [..], h cm 51
Lot N. 465

Coppia di candelabri in bronzo dorato e patinato

seconda metร  del XIX secolo
realizzati in stile Impero, tre bracci a foggia di cornucopie ed uno centrale, stelo a colonna scanalata, su tripode [..], h cm 51
€ 300,00 / 400,00
Lot N. 466

Due brocche da vino in cristallo e metallo argentato

inizio del XX secolo
il piรน piccolo in cristallo doppio di Boemia color rubino, lievi difetti, h cm 29, h cm 44
Lot N. 466

Due brocche da vino in cristallo e metallo argentato

inizio del XX secolo
il piรน piccolo in cristallo doppio di Boemia color rubino, lievi difetti, h cm 29, h cm 44
€ 60,00 / 80,00
Lot N. 467

Coppia di ventole in legno e pastiglia dorata

XIX/XX secolo
di forma ovale, ciascuna con tre bracci portacandele, alcuni difetti, h cm 56x33x16
Lot N. 467

Coppia di ventole in legno e pastiglia dorata

XIX/XX secolo
di forma ovale, ciascuna con tre bracci portacandele, alcuni difetti, h cm 56x33x16
€ 80,00 / 120,00
Lot N. 468

Serie di sette piatti decorativi in ceramica

dipinti da vari artisti per Alitalia, diam da cm 30 a cm 35
Lot N. 468

Serie di sette piatti decorativi in ceramica

dipinti da vari artisti per Alitalia, diam da cm 30 a cm 35
€ 50,00 / 60,00
Lot N. 469

Accessori per la casa in metallo argentato

Anni Settanta
tre vasi cilindrici e due scatole circolari, incisi con motivi geometrici, h da cm 5 a cm 20 (5)
Lot N. 469

Accessori per la casa in metallo argentato

Anni Settanta
tre vasi cilindrici e due scatole circolari, incisi con motivi geometrici, h da cm 5 a cm 20 (5)
€ 60,00 / 80,00
Lot N. 470

Centrotavola in metallo argentato

composto da un grande piatto martellato centrato da tre frutti, diam cm 43,5
Lot N. 470

Centrotavola in metallo argentato

composto da un grande piatto martellato centrato da tre frutti, diam cm 43,5
€ 40,00 / 50,00
Lot N. 471

Zuppiera in peltro

XIX secolo
sbalzata con amorini e motivo a ghirlande, corredata di vassoio e ramaiolo, zuppiera h cm 32, vassoio diam cm 34,5
Lot N. 471

Zuppiera in peltro

XIX secolo
sbalzata con amorini e motivo a ghirlande, corredata di vassoio e ramaiolo, zuppiera h cm 32, vassoio diam cm 34,5
€ 50,00 / 60,00
Lot N. 472

Miscellanea di accessori per la casa

Anni Settanta
un volatile in vetro soffiato a reticello ed una serie di vasi e complementi in metallo, h da cm 14 a cm 19 (5)
Lot N. 472

Miscellanea di accessori per la casa

Anni Settanta
un volatile in vetro soffiato a reticello ed una serie di vasi e complementi in metallo, h da cm 14 a cm 19 (5)
€ 100,00 / 150,00
Lot N. 473

Coppia di galli in porcellana

realizzati realisticamente nell'atto di azzuffarsi, difetti, h cm 29
Lot N. 473

Coppia di galli in porcellana

realizzati realisticamente nell'atto di azzuffarsi, difetti, h cm 29
€ 200,00 / 300,00
Lot N. 474

Vintage curiosities

19th/20th century
composed of a terracotta Saint's head, a silver snuffbox, a soapstone cup, a hard stone sake set, two large buttons [..], cup h 7x17.5 cm (8)
Lot N. 474

Vintage curiosities

19th/20th century
composed of a terracotta Saint's head, a silver snuffbox, a soapstone cup, a hard stone sake set, two large buttons [..], cup h 7x17.5 cm (8)
€ 30,00 / 40,00
Lot N. 475

Three blown glass vases

with floral decoration, h 15 cm
Lot N. 475

Three blown glass vases

with floral decoration, h 15 cm
€ 60,00 / 80,00
Lot N. 476

Ceramic vase

beginning of the 20th century
painted with female figure and flowers, trapezoidal in shape, slight defects, h 25x24x12 cm
Lot N. 476

Ceramic vase

beginning of the 20th century
painted with female figure and flowers, trapezoidal in shape, slight defects, h 25x24x12 cm
€ 250,00 / 300,00
Lot N. 477

Versatoio in ceramica

XX secolo
di forma ovoidale, dipinto in policromia con figure allegoriche, h cm 28x26x24
Lot N. 477

Versatoio in ceramica

XX secolo
di forma ovoidale, dipinto in policromia con figure allegoriche, h cm 28x26x24
€ 50,00 / 60,00
Lot N. 478

Lot of graphics

including two engravings by Francisco Villamena and one by Giovan Battista Dotti from the 18th century depicting [..], from 1x17 cm to 32x38 cm
Lot N. 478

Lot of graphics

including two engravings by Francisco Villamena and one by Giovan Battista Dotti from the 18th century depicting [..], from 1x17 cm to 32x38 cm
€ 80,00 / 100,00
Lot N. 479

Art Deco style crystal liqueur set

composed of a bottle with six matching glasses and a silver metal tastevin, h from 5 cm to 20 cm (8)
Lot N. 479

Art Deco style crystal liqueur set

composed of a bottle with six matching glasses and a silver metal tastevin, h from 5 cm to 20 cm (8)
€ 50,00 / 60,00
Lot N. 480

Mรฉnagรจre in silver metal and crystal

first half of the 20th century
combined with a set for soft-boiled eggs, h 17 cm, h 27 cm (2)
Lot N. 480

Mรฉnagรจre in silver metal and crystal

first half of the 20th century
combined with a set for soft-boiled eggs, h 17 cm, h 27 cm (2)
€ 60,00 / 80,00
Lot N. 481

Big fan, Billotey

late 19th century
silk page painted with a motif of small birds, butterflies and branches of berries in an Art Nouveau style, signed, [..], 34x65 cm
Lot N. 481

Big fan, Billotey

late 19th century
silk page painted with a motif of small birds, butterflies and branches of berries in an Art Nouveau style, signed, [..], 34x65 cm
€ 150,00 / 200,00
Lot N. 482

Folding fan

late 19th century
page in white satin painted with a humorous scene of a girl with a dog and a kitten, mother-of-pearl sticks, tassel [..], 30x54 cm
Lot N. 482

Folding fan

late 19th century
page in white satin painted with a humorous scene of a girl with a dog and a kitten, mother-of-pearl sticks, tassel [..], 30x54 cm
€ 150,00 / 200,00
Lot N. 483

Big fan

early 19th century
page made of bobbin lace with floral motif, mother-of-pearl sticks, ending with tassel, within a case frame, 33x62 cm
Lot N. 483

Big fan

early 19th century
page made of bobbin lace with floral motif, mother-of-pearl sticks, ending with tassel, within a case frame, 33x62 cm
€ 250,00 / 300,00
Lot N. 484

Three decorative fans

within glass frames, from 10x19 cm to 23x40 cm
Lot N. 484

Three decorative fans

within glass frames, from 10x19 cm to 23x40 cm
€ 80,00 / 120,00
Lot N. 485

Set per aperitivi in metallo argentato

composto da doppia glacette (lievi difetti), caraffa e grande vassoio circolare, h da cm 19 a cm 21, vassosio diam cm 35 (3)
Lot N. 485

Set per aperitivi in metallo argentato

composto da doppia glacette (lievi difetti), caraffa e grande vassoio circolare, h da cm 19 a cm 21, vassosio diam cm 35 (3)
€ 40,00 / 50,00
Lot N. 486

Philip baptizing the Ethiopian eunuch, 17th century Flemish school

fragment of wool and silk tapestry, 240x220 cm
Lot N. 486

Philip baptizing the Ethiopian eunuch, 17th century Flemish school

fragment of wool and silk tapestry, 240x220 cm
€ 500,00 / 600,00
Lot N. 487

The Anointing of David, 17th century Flemish school

fragment of wool and silk tapestry, 243x345 cm
Lot N. 487

The Anointing of David, 17th century Flemish school

fragment of wool and silk tapestry, 243x345 cm
€ 500,00 / 600,00
Lot N. 488

Walnut kneeler

17th century
a drawer and two carved doors with lozenge frames on the front, bracket feet, some defects, h 115x98x70 cm
Lot N. 488

Walnut kneeler

17th century
a drawer and two carved doors with lozenge frames on the front, bracket feet, some defects, h 115x98x70 cm
€ 100,00 / 150,00
Lot N. 489

Two body walnut coin holders

19th/20th century
carved with bambocci, the upper architectural part with small drawers and doors between anthropomorphic pilasters [..], h 172.5x92x44 cm
Lot N. 489

Two body walnut coin holders

19th/20th century
carved with bambocci, the upper architectural part with small drawers and doors between anthropomorphic pilasters [..], h 172.5x92x44 cm
€ 200,00 / 300,00
Lot N. 490

Walnut dining table

mid-19th century
round top, central turned support on four double-volute feet, extendable, h 83x145x113 cm, extensions 111x30 cm and 111x42 cm
Lot N. 490

Walnut dining table

mid-19th century
round top, central turned support on four double-volute feet, extendable, h 83x145x113 cm, extensions 111x30 cm and 111x42 cm
€ 150,00 / 200,00
Lot N. 491

Leaf spring chest of drawers veneered in walnut and other essences

Tuscany, mid-18th century
inlaid with ribbon threads, shaped top in Bardiglio marble (slight defects) with two half drawers underneath and [..], h 92x59x144 cm
Lot N. 491

Leaf spring chest of drawers veneered in walnut and other essences

Tuscany, mid-18th century
inlaid with ribbon threads, shaped top in Bardiglio marble (slight defects) with two half drawers underneath and [..], h 92x59x144 cm
€ 1.200,00 / 1.500,00
1 - 30  of 765 LOTS